Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Repaired Roof and Windows

 This fall, I finally got around to having the roof repainted and passenger side electric windows repaired. 

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Restoration of Headlights: 9 Month Update

After having sat out in the sunshine, wind, rain, freezing temperatures, my 2004, F-150 headlights developed a caked on a layer of oxidation.  I had to either replace my headlights or restore them. I tried using hacks I had seen on YouTube. Oxidation came right back in a few weeks. I bought a kit from and followed the instructions and the oxidation came right back. 

I was watching a live stream from Griot’s Garage . They teamed up with the manufacturer of coating company Cerakote. Here’s the link to the product. Ceramic headlight restoration kit   This company is a leader in weather resistant ceramic coating on military systems and many consumer products. After they showed the steps on how to restore an oxidized headlight, I was skeptical. Me: “That looks too good to be true.” I commented on the video, describing the failed attempts and that I was going to just buy new headlights. They read the comment live and said they would send me a kit for me to try. Well, it arrived as promised. The winter weather and family responsibilities caused me to have to wait. Yesterday, it was 50° and windy, but the sunny. I jumped outside, setup my iPhone and followed the directions. 

Took about 45 minutes. I can not be more impressed with how it worked. I will post videos when they are uploaded to Google Photos. 

9 Month Update:
I’m going to need to do the process again! The lenses have looked really clear until recently. I am going to buy a non severe or regular kit instead. I want to see how long this lasts. I may go ahead and replace the headlights and apply a ceramic coating on them. Not sure what to try next. I’ll post images when it stops raining hopefully tomorrow.