Read the 101 Reasons to Buy A Harley, and have been dreaming about buying a motorcycle for some time. This is my top 10 reasons, which is an attempt to sort out why I should or should not buy a Harley. Should I just stay in the 'frying pan' of driving a automobile on a highway with a sea of idiots with cell phones stuck in their ears, or hop on a two-wheeler donor-cycle and jump into the 'fire'?
Top 10 Reasons I want to buy a Harley
Top 10 Reasons I want to buy a Harley
- #10 Even an old, beaten up one looks good. [sort of like old teachers]
- #9 There are thousands of accessories available, so you can make your Harley uniquely yours. [as if I could afford any of them]
- #8 You don’t hear songs about Suzuki’s.
- #7 You never have to explain or apologize for your choice or ride. [exactly! no need of brown paper bags]
- #6 “Arnold” rode one in T2. ["I'll be bac"]
- #5 Lots of extra protein from those bugs in your teeth.
- #4 Don’t need any weight lifting equipment. Just knock it down and pick it back up. [could save $60 per month by not having to go to the gym ;->]
- #3 “Honey, it’s economical — gets GREAT gas mileage!”
- #2 Because you’ve wanted one since you were 11 years old.
- #1 If you get stuck in boring
businessteachers meeting, you can always think about that last ride you took.
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