When I drove past the local gas station yesterday, Saturday, November 11, 2007, here in Chadbourn, NC, USA, and saw gas prices at the pump priced at $3.10 per gallon, I wanted to throw up.
What the hell is wrong with our World?
There was actually a line at the gas pump too.
There are just as many, if not more cars on the streets of Chadbourn. People driving, no one walking, and no bicycles on the streets. No signs of protest? We are just taking it like a bunch of addicts.
We are addicted to our F150s, our SUVs, our gas guzzlers. I am stuck with a big payment to the my creditors for this gas hog I drive.
America needs more efficient means of transportation. I wish there was a bus or subway, or someone I could carpool with to ride to work.
Maybe I need to start a blog called Car Pooling. Mass(less) Transport sounds good for a title. Maybe Craigs List would be a good place to start a list. One would think that with all this Web 2.0 technology, some smart entrepreneur could come up with a way for folks to schedule our drive times and post meeting places to carpool to work.
Wake up America! This iS NOT going away. We are in for the long haul on this. We need to rethink what we are doing here.